Hi GuYs!!..
coMe Back HeRe FroM JogJa...
The Special Region of Yogyakarta,
is the smallest province of InDoneSia (excluding Jakarta).
It is LocaTed on the island of Java.
It is the only ProVince in Indonesia that is still
formally GoverNed by a pRecoLonial Sultanate,
the SulTanate of NgayogyaKarTa HadininGrat.
Located within the Yogyakarta ProVince,
Yogyakarta ciTy is kNown as a ceNTer of classical Javanese fine art
and culture such as batik, ballet, drama, music, poetry and puppet shows.
It is also FaMous as a CenTer for Indonesian higher education.
At YogyaKarta's cenTer is the kraton, or Sultan's palace.
The ProVince of YogyaKarta Bore the Brunt of a 6.3-magnitude EarthQuake
on 27 May 2006 which killed 5,782 people
and left some 36,299 PerSons injured.
But Somehow...its Survived..
Owning Borobudur Temple which Was used to Be one of woRlD WonDer..
and Prambanan TempLe WhicH is aLso a GreaT History asset for Indonesia..
Makes YogYakaRta a GreaT PlaCe for ThoSe who Seek For ancient History.
Kota Gede is the site of the remains of a palace Kraton
Nowadays..it's becoming familiar producing
a great Variation of silver handricraft..!!
There's Also KeteP Pass..
Place where you can enjoying the view Of MouNt MerAPi..
and alSo seeing movie about Merapi's eruption!!
NiCe Place To Hang oUt wiTh FrienDs
with a cup of coffee and spicy corn grilled..
So...whaT r U waiTIn' For??
Let's Go !!!
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2 years ago
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