Friday, May 23, 2008

LeT'S Go To BRoMo !!

Yellow Guys !! encem
been to indonesia yet ?
well i suggest u tried too..
it's OfFers MucH MoRe ThaN u ExPeCteD !!
and its Not onLy BaLi, u KnoW !!takbole

LeT's StarT wiTh..."MounT BroMo"
LoCated in The Tengger Caldera
one Of The MosT PopuLaR Tourist attraction in East Java, Indonesia.
it's an AcTiVe VolCaNo..u betteR watChouT !
Part of the Tengger massif, and even though at 2329 meters
it is not the highest peak of the massif, it is the most well known.
LasT EruPtion Was In 2004
BUt StiLL...
when U aRriVe @ top off it
N Starin' the SunRiSe....
iT's All Worth iT!!

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